The significance of the Hady ritual of Hajj

The significance of the Hady ritual of Hajj

Here is an article on the significance of the Hady ritual of Hajj offered by our travel agency with Family Umrah Packages. After the Eid Al Adha prayer, until sundown on the third day of Tashriq, i.e., 13 Zul Hajj, is the best time to butcher Hady and Udhiya. Fidya, Sadaqa, and Aqiqa are all rituals that can be performed at any time of the year.


It is obligatory for any pilgrim to do Tammatu'u, i.e. completing the Umrah during the Hajj months and then performing the Hajj the same year. And on Qaarin, i.e. any pilgrim conducting the Umrah and Hajj simultaneously, to recite "Labbayka umratan wa hajjan. After the Eid prayer, till sundown on the third day of Tashriq, i.e. 13 Dhul Hajj, is the best time to slaughter the animal. A Mufrid, or a pilgrim who is performing the Hajj but not the Umrah, is exempt from performing the Hady rite.


It is done as a ritual during the Sharia-mandated period, which begins after the Eid prayer and ends at nightfall on the 13th of Dhul Hajj, the last day of Tashriq.


It is required on a pilgrim undertaking the Hajj or Umrah if they failed to execute an obligatory Hajj or Umrah rite or committed a prohibited act. It is possible to do the ceremony at any time of the year.


It can be done at any time of the year as a ritual.


As a show of thanks to Allah the Almighty, it is a Sunnah practice performed for a baby.

Slaughtering Rituals in the Hajj: Sharia Requirements

  • The animal must be at least six months old for a ram and one year old for a goat.
  • It must not appear lame.
  • It must not be skinny.
  • It must not be one-eyed.
  • More than half of its ear must not be surgically removed.
  • More than half of its molar tooth must not be broken.
  • It must not be sick.
  • Its horn must not be broken.
  • It must not be sick.
  • Its horn must not be broken Its buttocks or tail cannot be removed, and it must be under the age of three years.

While you are in Aziziya, your travel agent will usually approach you. And inform you that he and other agents have devised a scheme to offer the animal sacrifice and that those who wish to participate need only pay them. In addition, the pilgrims must inform them about the type of sacrifice and the number of sacrifices. The Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia launched the "Saudi Project for Utilization of Sacrificial Animals" to help realize the Sharia aims of Hajj. And to enable Muslim pilgrims to profit from their Hajj and its rites in order to achieve this noble goal. ADAHI is the name of the project.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has given the Project all the standards necessary to ensure that all animals slaughtered in the Project's slaughterhouses comply with all Sharia and health regulations. The Project operates as a pilgrim's agent, butchering all forms of offerings made on their behalf, as well as transporting and distributing the meat, all in conformity with sharia’s norms.

Purchase of Sacrifice Certificates

Depending on the form of sacrificial offering (i.e. Hady Qiran or Tamatu' or Udhiyah or Fidia or Sadaqah). The pilgrim wishes to make, the Project offers five different types of vouchers with different graphics and colors. A unique voucher is also available for pilgrims who wish to make offerings on behalf of 30 or more pilgrims.