The Levels of Jahannam

Here is the post on The Levels of Jahannam offered by our travel agency with the cheap and best Umrah and  Hajj Packages from the UK. Jahannam is divided into seven levels, each one lower than the last, according to the gravity of the sinners. The least painful level, level one, is at the top of the Jahannam, while the most painful level is at the bottom. Once one drops through the levels, the temperature, and severity of Jahannam's punishment increase. Each level is designed to accommodate various types of sins and punishments. Take a gander at a few of them.


This level is for Muslims who have committed sins in the past. It has the least amount of heat and the least harmful punishment for sinners of all levels. Sinners' faces will be destroyed as they pass through its gates, and the fire would then devour their flesh. After they have been burned, Allah will restore their flesh.


This level is below Jahannam and is for those who do not believe in Allah, who reject the Prophet's messages, and who do not believe in them as Allah's messengers. The primary suffering in this level is that fire will consume one's organs one by one, both externally and internally, until their body is completely destroyed.


The third level of Jahannam is located beneath Ladah. The people here will be penalized by fire, which will consume their skin but not their bones. The following are the four reasons why people eventually wind up in this level of Jahannam:

•They did not pray Salah (prayer).

•They failed to provide food for the poor.

•They used to speak in vain to those who spoke in vain, that is, those who followed the path of injustice and deception.

•They rejected the notion of the Resurrection and Reward Day (Qiyamah).


It is said that the fire in this level, which is below Saqar, will burn sinners to their bones and inflame their hearts and inner organs. The flames will begin at their feet and headway to their hearts. It is said that sinners will break down in tears to the point where their tear glands will run dry, their blood will dry up and their tears will be so plentiful that a ship could sail through the pool of their tears with ease.


It's thought to be beneath Al-Hutamah, a large chunk of coal that's higher than the lowest point. For three reasons, sinners will be pushed here:

•They did not believe in Allah correctly.

•Refused to grant the proper rights to the creations.

•Did not advocate for the poor to be fed.


This Jahannam level is located beneath Jaheem. Since its creation, this level has been burning wood. It consists of 300 castles, each of which contains 300 huts, each of which contains 300 rooms, and each of which contains 300 different types of penalties. Here, the pain is unimaginable, unbearable, and excruciating. There are scorpions, snakes, chains, ropes, and other such things here. It also contains the Pit of Agony, the most painful punishment in all of Jahannam.


This is hell's final and worst level. It is located beneath Saeer on the seventh level of Jahannam. According to legend, no sinner will ever be released from this level. On this level, there is complete darkness. Non-believers and backbiters are punished here. In this level, sinners will be crushed beneath mountains, lying on their faces. The sinners' hands will be tied to their necks, and their necks will be tied to their legs.